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Dental implants service

Starting at $2999

(financing available for qualified patients)

Dental Implants

Dental Implants are currently the gold standard for replacing missing teeth. HOWEVER, they are costly and require multi-stage surgery.  Due to the surgical nature of the procedure, it is NOT for everyone.

At Healthy Smiles, our goal is first to inform our patients of their options and then provide the best service that our patients decide on. 


Our dental implants start at $2999. This price includes the implant, abutment AND crown. Yes, you heard right! Most practices charge $2000-3000 just for the implant placement and charge another $1500-2500 for the crown and abutment. We would place the complete system starting at $2999 for candidates without bone modification surgery.

We encourage our patients to understand the nature of dental implant through learning about it on Google and YouTube. This is an expensive procedure and we want our patients to be informed about what it entails. We look forward to giving you a free consultation, during which we will answer all of your questions and concerns.

Financing is available for qualified patients through a third party lender.

Dental crown and dental implant
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